President’s Welcome

July 2024

Dear NJABA Members,

As I step into the role of President for the New Jersey Association for Behavior Analysis, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our outgoing president, Dr. Pat Progar, and the board members who are rotating off (Dr. SungWoo Kahng, Dr. Craig Domanski, Dr. Erin Richard White, and Crystal Harms). Their dedication and hard work have been instrumental in advancing NJABA’s mission and supporting our behavior-analytic community. Their contributions have set a high standard, and I sincerely appreciate their service and commitment to NJABA.

I am equally thrilled to welcome our new or re-appointed board members (Dr. Ruth DeBar, Dr. Pranali Hoyle, Laurie Gabriel, and Quintara Tucker), who have graciously volunteered their time and expertise to serve NJABA. Their willingness to step up and contribute to our collective goals speaks volumes about their passion for behavior analysis and dedication to the NJABA community. I am confident that together, we will continue to build on the strong foundation laid by our predecessors and work towards our shared vision.

Reflecting on our recent Science of Behavior Analysis Conference at Rider University, I am excited about the vibrant discussions and knowledge shared during this event. Dr. Jeanne Donaldson delivered this year’s keynote presentation. As we move forward, I want to assure you that the board and I will keep you informed about all upcoming events and the latest developments, including important licensure updates. Thank you for your continued support and involvement with NJABA. Together, we will achieve great things.

Jason Vladescu, Ph.D, BCBA-D

President, NJABA

Licensure Update

ABA Licensure Application – What to Expect (7/23/2024)

We await Governor Murphy’s signature on the criminal background check bill that will become part of the licensure application for behavior analysts.

We anticipate the Licensure application becoming available and published on the State Board of Applied Behavior Analyst Examiners’ website in the next few days.

Click here to read what you can expect when the application becomes available.

View our Licensure Page
19th Annual

NJABA Conference

April 26, 2024 with a pre-conference workshop on April 25, 2024

Watch OnDemand Here


NJABA’s mission is to advance the science and evidence-based practice of behavior analysis through research, education, service delivery, and advocacy in the state of New Jersey.


NJABA’s vision is a statewide community in which behavior analysts have the research, training, and resources they need to improve people’s lives.






